Design Engineering Division
Design Engineering Division (DED) fosters understanding and research covering the art, science, and application of design engineering to the product realization process including conception, evolution and manufacturing of products.
To contact any of these leaders, use the ASME Volunteer Leader Directory (VLD).
Dumitru (Mickey) Caruntu
University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley
Chair | July 2023 – June 2024
Scott Ferguson
North Carolina State University
Vice Chair | July 2023 – June 2024
Brian Feeny
Michigan State University
Secretary | July 2023 - July 24
Scarlett Miller
Pennsylvania State University
Conference Executive | July 2023 – June 2024
Mary Frecker
Pennsylvania State University
Technical Committee Executive | July 2023 - June 2024
Michael Kokkolaras
McGill University
Publications | July 2023 - July 2024
Stefano Lenci
Polytechnical University of Marche
Awards | July 2023 - July 2024
Dane Quinn
University of Akron
Past Chair | July 2022 – June 2023
Barbara Zlatnik
Staff Contact
Featured Events
IDETC-CIE 2024 - International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
Past Events
2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
2022 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
IDETC-CIE 2021 Virtual Conference, August 17 - 20, 2021
IDETC-CIE 2020: International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, held virtually August 16 - 19, 2020
IDETC-CIE 2019: International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 18 - 21, 2019, Anaheim, CA.
Vision Statement
To be the leader, as a division of the Society, covering the art, science, and application of design engineering and to facilitate transfer of design engineering technology between industry, academe and government through programs and publications.
Mission Statement
To develop, promote, encourage, and support our members and technical committees in their quest for technical excellence and professional success in their respective fields, and to provide necessary processes and mechanisms to spawn new initiatives and identify emerging technologies through technical meetings, publications, and member interest activities.
Overview of DED
As the largest technical division in ASME, the long-lasting success of the Design Engineering Division (DED) has been driven by the active participation of its members from thirteen DED technical committees. DED sponsors various events. The flagship event year is the IDETC (International Design Engineering Technical Conferences), jointly hold with the conferences sponsored by the Computers & Information in Engineering (CIE) division. In addition to the IDETC, the technical committees also sponsor sessions at the ASME IMECE each year.
Activities of Technical Committees are supplemented by the work from DED Standing and Special committees to address the current and emerging issues of DED, improve member experiences, and help DED stay connected with the outside world.
The success of DED is based on the scholarly contributions of its members, collected in the form of journal papers. The DED currently sponsors six journals including four sole-sponsored journals and two jointly sponsored ones with other divisions.
One of the most active missions of the DED is to recognize the outstanding research, education, and engineering accomplishments of members of the design engineering community through its vibrant awards program. There are currently up to twenty-eight awards given out within DED during any two-year period, including four Society-level awards, two Division-level awards, six Division/Committee-level awards, and sixteen Committee-level awards.
We encourage to particpate in the DED activities and join one of the DED technical committees. Please contact the DED leaders for further information.
The activities of the division are directed by an Executive Committee, which establishes the Division's policy and goals. The Executive Committee is supported by other committees as needed.
Interested in volunteering? Leaders of these committees can be contacted via the ASME Volunteer Leadership Directory (VLD).
- Executive Committee
- Connect with our Technical Committees
- Design Automation (DAC)
- Design Education (DEC)
- Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle (DFMLC)
- Design Theory and Methodology (DTM)
- Fastening and Joining (F&J)
- Mechanisms and Robotics (M&R)
- Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA)
- Micro & Nano Systems (MNS)
- MultibodySystems and Nonlinear Dynamics (MSND)
- Power Transmission and Gearing (PTG)
- Reliability, Stress Analysis & Failure Prevention (RSAFP)
- Vehicle Design (VDC)
- Vibration and Sound (TCVS)
Journal Affiliations
The DED currently sponsors six journals including four sole-sponsored journals and two jointly sponsored ones with other divisions.
- Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (co-sponsored with Computers and Information in Engineering Division)
- Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
- Journal of Mechanical Design
- Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics
- Journal of Medical Devices (co-sponsored with Bioengineering Division)
- Journal of Vibration & Acoustics
To submit a paper to a journal, visit the Journal web page.
Honors & Awards
Recognition of outstanding achievement in engineering is one of the major objectives of ASME. Through its programs of honors and awards, ASME recognizes outstanding contributions to the art and science of engineering.
Nominations link for processing Society and Division awards: Unit Awards
Below please find the list of awards, the link where you can find award description, the deadline, and the email where to send the nomination.
Society Level Awards
- Machine Design Award
- Ruth and Joel Spira Outstanding Design Educator Award
- Barnett-Uzgiris Product Safety Award
- J.P. Den Hartog Award
- Thomas A. Edison Patent Award
Nomination packages should be e-mailed to Lelia Persaud (, cc to Stefano Lenci (
Division Level Awards
Nomination packages should be e-mailed to Stefano Lenci (
Technical Committee Awards
- DED-PTG: Darle W. Dudley Award (For Outstanding Contributions to the Power Transmission and Gearing Community)
- DED-AVT: Best Paper Award
- DED-AVT: Best Student Paper Award
- DED-DAC: Best Paper Award
- DED-DAC: Design Automation Young Investigator
- DED-DAC: Design Automation Award
- DED-DEC: Best Paper Awards
- DED-DFMLC: Best Paper Award
- DED-DFMLC: Kos Ishii-Toshiba Award (For sustained and meritorious contributions to Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle)
- DED-DTM: Design Theory Methodology Award
- DED-DTM: Young Investigator Award
- DED-M&R: A.T. Yang Memorial Award
- DED-M&R: Best Paper Award
- DED-M&R: Compliant Mechanisms Awards
- DED-M&R: Freudenstein/GM Award
- DED-M&R: Mechanisms & Robotics Award
- DED-MESA: MESA Achievement Award
- DED-MNS Best Paper
- DED-MNS: The Micro- and Nanosystems Innovator Award
- DED-MSND: d'Alembert Award
- DED-MSND: Lyapunov Award
- DED-MSND: Best paper Award
- DED-MSND: Student paper competition Award
- DED-TCVS: Mary Baker Achievement Award (Details coming soon)
- DED-TCVS: Jacob P. Den Hartog Award
- DED-TCVS: C. D. Mote Jr., Early Career Award
- DED-TCVS: N.O. Myklestad Award (In recognition of a major innovative contribution to vibration engineering)
- DED-TCVS: Mary Baker Industry Achievement Award (2025 Call for Nominations)
- DED-TCVS Best Student Papers
- DED-VDC: The William F. Milliken Invited Lecture Award