Excellence In Research Award

ASME Unit: Computers and Information in Engineering Division (CIE)
Date Established:
Achievement: To recognize a person for outstanding research contributions in any field associated with the use of computers in engineering. To ensure that it is presented to appropriately qualified recipients and to maintain the prestigious nature of the award it may not be presented every year.
Limitations: The candidate must be an ASME member and be in good standing at the time of nomination. Current members of the ASME CIE Technical Committees leadership and members of the Executive Committee are not eligible for the award. Nominations for this award can only be submitted by the CIE Technical Committee chair or a designated appointee.
Nomination Deadline: May 1
Form of Award: The recipient will receive a certificate and a $1000 award, which will be presented at the yearly ASME IDETC/CIE Conference.
Frequency of Award: Annual
Administrative: The Computers and Information in Engineering Division
Level of Award: Division
Selected By: The selection will be based on an evaluation of accomplishments as evidenced by publications, documented testimonials from industry and academic colleagues, and impact on the field of computing in engineering, in particular advances made in the synergistic applications of mechanical engineering and computer science/engineering. The selection of the winner will be made by a committee appointed by the CIE division chair.
Selecting Process: Nomination materials must be submitted in a single PDF file by May 01 to Mahesh Mani (Mahesh.mani@nist.gov) and should be addressed to ASME CIE Division Award Committee.
Nomination Package The nomination package should contain the following:
  • Cover letter from the nominator which clearly states the CIE unit award.
  • Nominee’s latest curriculum vitae
  • A statement (not exceeding 750 words) on the nominee’s contributions and impact.
  • At least three and no more than five recommendation letters from individuals who can assess the nominee’s contributions and impacts
Funding: The Computers and Information in Engineering Division
Date Created: 3/10/2011
Date Modified: 2/22/2013
Contact Name: Barbara Zlatnik
Contact Email: zlatnikb@asme.org

Winners of the Excellence In Research Award

2011  Chris Paredis 
2012  David W. Rosen
2013  Satyandra K. Gupta
2014  Karthik Ramani
2015  John Michopoulos
2016  Charlie C. L. Wang
2018  Sudarsan Rachuri
2020 Joshua Summers
2021 Soundar Kumara
2022 Sundar Krishnamurth
2023 Kincho Law

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