The ASME IGTI Dilip R. Ballal Early Career Award

ASME Unit: International Gas Turbine Institute

Date Established: 2013

Achievement: Early career awards are intended to honor individuals who have outstanding accomplishments during the beginning of their careers. These awards can impact one’s career and often lead to a strong commitment to the field.  Such awards can also inspire others to make high quality contributions to advance the field. The award is to recognize the outstanding contributions of an individual for advancing the field of turbomachinery.  This document provides a description of an early career award intended for those working in the turbomachinery area to be awarded by the ASME Gas Turbine Technology Group.

Nomination Deadline: August 1

Form of Award: Plaque, Complimentary Turbo Expo Registration and Housing, $2K honorarium, and Free ASME Registration Membership for 5 years.

Frequency of Award: Annual

Administrative: ASME International Gas Turbine Institute

Level of Award: Division

Selected By: An Award Committee consisting of a representative from eight technical committees and the Chair of the IGTI Awards & Honors Committee with endorsement of the nominee by the IGTI Executive Committee.

Selecting Process: Nominations will be sent to the IGTI staff who will assemble and provide the nominations electronically to the Honors and Awards Committee for their review.   Each nominee will remain under consideration for a three year period provided the nominee meets the seven year criterion.  If the nominee does not receive the award during the three year period, the nominee will not be eligible to be re-nominated. Each year, the IGTI staff will work with the nominator to update any materials for the particular nominee to ensure the information is current.

Eligibility Information: An early career award is intended for those starting a professional career, which is typically after a relevant terminal degree: BS, MS, or PhD. A criterion of seven-years-from-degree will be used to define the nominee’s eligibility. The nominee must receive the award prior to the completion of the seventh year beyond the terminal degree. This definition removes any constraints due to age and can accommodate career delays due to military service, family commitments, etc. To be eligible for this award, the nominee must be an active member of the ASME.

Nomination Requirements: The nomination package should include the following:

a) A paragraph (less than 50 words) from the nominator highlighting nominee’s contributions
b) Nomination letter
c) Two supporting letters
d) Current resume of the nominee

Funding: IGTI’s Operating Fund

Date Modified: 7/9/2020

Contact Name: ASME Staff

Contact Email:

Contact Phone: 1-281-493-3491

Winners of the Dilip R. Ballal Early Career Award

Raghu Kancherla
2023 Raghu Kancherla
2022 Dr. Natalie Smith
2021 Lt. Col. Brian T. Bohan, PhD.
2020 Reid Berdainer
2019 Lisa Branchini
2018 Jacqueline O'Connor
2017 Subith Vasu
2016 Carl Sangan
2015 John Coull
2014 Nicole Key
2013 Randall Mathison


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