Video: Powering High Precision, Micro Advanced Manufacturing Innovations

Video: Powering High Precision, Micro Advanced Manufacturing Innovations

Design demands are driving smaller components across industries, from medtech to electronics, necessitating new advanced manufacturing solutions.
Recent advancements in additive manufacturing have focused on printing larger parts, but at the same time, many of the world’s products are getting smaller.

A major limitation in the trend toward smaller products has been the inability to use traditional manufacturing methods to cost-effectively prototype and produce miniature parts. However, as new 3D printing technologies emerge to deliver high resolution and accuracy, manufacturing small products will become easier and more cost-effective.
The tooling process for microscopic, detailed parts is expensive. Without prototyping, companies may need to rework or scrap the mold if a change is needed. With better micro 3D printing technology, prototyping is again possible when producing parts for small products.

Boston Micro Fabrication's (BMF) ultra high precision micro-advanced manufacturing (AM) is propelling such innovation across the globe. The company's high precision and micro resolution 3D printing technology, Projection Micro Stereolithography (PμSL), leverages light, customizable optics, a high-quality movement platform, and controlled processing technology to produce the highest precision at the 2 μm scale. This enables mold-free, ultra-high-resolution fast prototyping and end part capability. 
In this video, learn more about how micro 3D printed parts are making an impact from BMF’s CEO John Kawola and customers Samtec Inc. and IMcoMET, who chose micro-AM to innovate in their fields.

For additional insights into how customers are using 3D printers to speed up product design and manufacturing, check out BMF's resources page. To keep up with the latest company news and to learn more about micro-precision 3D printing, visit BMF's website or follow BMF on LinkedIn.

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