Special Issue on NAMs in Biomechanical Engineering
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Submit PaperNAMs (New Approach Methodologies, Novel Alternative Methods, Non-Animal Models) are research approaches to more accurately model human biology and complement traditional research models. The development and use of NAMs is often intended to reduce, refine, and/or replace (“the 3 R’s”) vertebrate animal models in research, while improving fidelity of the results. NAMs may be in vitro, in silico, or in chemico. Some examples relevant to biomechanical engineering include organoids and Virtual Human Models.
This special issue will showcase papers describing NAMs and work explicitly directed toward NAM development with relevance to biomechanical engineering and animal models typically used in biomechanical engineering studies.
Topic Areas
THE SCOPE OF THIS ISSUE INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO:- Papers that describe in vitro, in silico, or in chemico NAMs
- Work explicitly directed to such NAMs development
- Combinatorial NAMs (combinations of in vitro, in silico, or in chemico)
- Global harmonization of issues related to NAMs
- Validation, regulatory, and/or research security issues unique to NAMs
- Methods to ensure diversity and representation in NAMs work and NAMs outcomes
- Emerging best practices in education and workforce development related to NAMs