As an engineering professional focused on supporting the continuous operation of in-service boilers, fired pressure equipment and pressure vessel systems, your success is predicated on a comprehensive understanding of the key aspects of these critical processes. This comprehensive learning path covers design & failures, materials, fabrication, examination, and testing—as well as thorough understanding of the BPVC requirements. Safe and proper application of all of these codes and insight into industry best practices from this learning path will help BPV engineers to not only comply with regulations but succeed in achieving the operational, regulatory, cost, and safety goals of their organization. This official ASME learning path is designed to provide attendees with the key considerations, skills, and competencies to excel as an engineering professional responsible for operation and maintenance of all types of boilers and fired pressure vessels.
This official ASME learning path consists of two courses:
Course 1:
ASME/API Boilers and Fired Pressure Equipment Operation and Maintenance
ASME’s Boilers and Fired Pressure Equipment Operation and Maintenance course provides a broad scope of boiler (fired & unfired) and fired pressure equipment operation and maintenance, covering requirements of ASME BPVC Sections I, III, IV, VI, VII, and VIII, and covers API recommendations to reflect the current changes to the industry's practices.
- This course commences at 9:30 AM and ends at 6 PM Eastern each day, with scheduled breaks throughout.
Course 2:
Boilers and Fired Pressure Equipment Inspection, Repairs, and Alterations Industry Best Practices
This course has been designed to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge of boiler and fired pressure equipment inspection requirements and methods for repairs and alterations in compliance with ASME BPV, NBIC and API Codes and Standards.
- This course commences at 9:30 AM and ends at 6 PM Eastern each day, with scheduled breaks throughout.
Who should attend?
Engineering professionals and employees of related governing entities, including engineers, designers, manufacturers, QA/QC personnel, technicians, inspectors, and maintenance personnel who desire a comprehensive understanding of the rules, applications, and best practices of the BPVC Code.
This ASME Virtual Classroom course is held live with an instructor on our online learning platform.
Certificate of completion will be issued to registrants who successfully attend and complete the course.