Covering all aspects of ASME BPV Code, Section XI, this course highlights repair, replacement, modification, and maintenance activities; pressure testing; and the relationship between the Code and regulatory and enforcement requirements for in-service inspection of nuclear power plant components. It addresses many controversial issues facing the nuclear industry and presents a broad spectrum of opinions regarding practical application of Code requirements. After taking this course, participants gain specific insight into how effective use of Section XI can significantly reduce plant operating costs.
Course material includes published ASME Interpretations that explain how Code requirements can be applied to problems that have confronted other companies. The course also highlights significant changes in the Code requirements in the last ten to fifteen years.
You Will Learn to:
- Explain in-service inspection requirements for Class 1, 2, and 3 systems, components, and supports, and steel and concrete containment vessels
- Describe requirements for qualification of nondestructive examination personnel and performance of nondestructive examination
- Explain basic requirements for flaw evaluation and acceptance
- Identify Section XI requirements for repair, replacement, modification, maintenance activities, and pressure testing
- Explain how to use recent revisions to Section XI to your advantage
- Describe the relationship of 10CFR50.55a and NRC Regulatory Guides, Bulletins, Generic Letters, and Regulatory Issue Summaries to inservice inspection, nondestructive examination, repair, replacement, and modification
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for utility operating personnel responsible for in-service inspection, nondestructive examination, evaluation, repair, replacement, and modification of nuclear power plants, and for personnel responsible for assessment or third-party inspection, regulation or enforcement. While experience with Section XI or other ASME Codes or Standards is not required, participants should have a strong technical background or hands-on experience with Code work.
Course Materials (included in purchase of the course)
- Participants will receive access to the following Code/Standard(s) via ASME’s Digital Collection for the duration of the course:
- ASME BPV Code, Section XI: Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components
- Digital course notes via ASME’s Learning Platform
This ASME Virtual Classroom course is held live with an instructor on our online learning platform. Certificate of completion will be issued to registrants who successfully attend and complete the course.
Can't make one of the scheduled sessions? This course is also available On Demand